Meeting Recap, 6/14/2016
Posted By Scott Jones
Happy Tuesday, Rotarians.
Need to Know:
- Exciting news from Don Stockton: The City of Marshfield was awarded a Missouri DNR grant to improve the Rotary Park playground that matches the $10,100.00 pledged by our club and the $10,000 allocated by the City. The $40,100 project will be used for to replace the current mulch/rocks under playground equipment with “pour and play” surface. This grant proposal project has been in the works for more than 2 years. We have the money we pledged set aside from proceeds of our Romance Raffle fundraiser.
- Upcoming speakers include: On June 21st, District Rotary Foundation Chair Raymond Plue will be speaking to us. On June 28th, Scott Jones has requested that all club committee chairs prepare a 5-minute presentation about their respective committees.
- Our next board meeting will be at noon on Thursday, June 16th at Southern Missouri Bank.
- Don Stockton and Sara Herren stepped up and volunteered to plan the Installation Banquet next month. It will be a fish fry in Rotary Park on June 28th. Sarah’s husband Champ will be manning the fryer. More details will follow.
- Reunion Fest will be held on July 2nd.
Meeting Recap
We had a smaller crowd today since we several members involved in the Grow Grant meeting with the City. Brian Drane led our meeting today.
Our guests: Assistant District Governor Rowland Geddie and director of Marshfield Care Center, Katie Phillips.
Our speaker today was Kit Gaynor with Webster County 9-1-1. Webster County 9-1-1 will be adding “Text to 9-1-1”, which will allow individuals in Webster County the ability to sent a text message to local 9-1-1 during an emergency. You should call if you can, but texting will be available. The text should always start with the sender’s location. If the text is sent outside of the county, the sender will receive a bounceback message notifying the sender that he or see should contact 9-1-1 by telephone. To text, the sender must have a data plan (unlike calls which can go through to emergency even if caller doesn’t have a service plan). The texts must be directly to 9-1-1; no group texting will go through. Text to 9-1-1 will be a benefit to deaf and hearing-impaired individuals, and individuals in violent situations in which it may be difficult to make a telephone call.
Final Thoughts
Today is Flag Day. The Second Continental Congress adopted the flag on June 14, 1777. The Congress passed a resolution declaring that the “flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” In 1795, after two new states were added, two stars and two stripes were added. Francis Scott Key was inspired by the 15-star/15-stripe flag to write the Star Spangled Banner. In 1818, the stripes were reduced back to 13 to honor the original colonies, and the plan for additional states was to simply add stars. The flag has been modified 26 times since 1777. Then 17-year old Robert Heft, who created the design in 1958 as part of a class project, designed the current 50-star flag. He received a B- from his teacher for the design, which was later changed to an A after Presidential Proclamation adopted it.
Marshfield Rotary Club: Raising the bar through leadership, giving and education.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Kristin Grace Krebs