Meeting Recap, 8/11/2015
Posted By Scott Jones
Happy Tuesday, Rotarians.
Need to Know:
- Stella Harrison, who has visited our club several times, has filled out an application for membership. Stella works for Legal Shield and recently moved to Marshfield from Oregon. There will be a two-week comment period. Anyone with comments, reservations or questions about Stella’s suitability for membership should contact Scott Jones within the next two weeks.
- Our next board meeting will be at noon on Wednesday, August 19th at DD Hamilton.
- We have an impressive lineup of guest speakers for the next month: On the 18th, Springfield Rotarian William Cologna will talk about the Rotary International Conference; on the 25th, new Marshfield Schools Assistant Superintendent David Steward will be speaking. Our club assembly will be on September 1st. Our speaker on September 8th will be Steve Dulle, our Rotary District Governor.
- The next Rotary Park workday will be Saturday, September 12th. More details to follow.
- News on our Don’t Meth with Us Project: Speaker David Parnell will be in the area on the week of September 14th. Our club is sponsoring him at a presentation at Strafford Schools. Amy Wilkerson will also sponsor him for a community event on Wednesday, September 16th in Marshfield.
- Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: our 3rd Annual Romance Raffle will be held on Saturday, February 13, 2016.
- Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: the Marshfield Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016, with a rain date of March 19th.
Meeting Recap
We had several visitors today. In addition to our speaker, Ellen Rohr, and her assistant Shawna, Stella Harrison visited us again. Karen Stevens and Rick Jones brought Rick’s wife, Leah, and Jim Fox from Label Solutions with them today.
We had a dynamic speaker today, Ellen Rohr. Ellen is an author and speaker on business planning and “business makeovers”. Ellen provided us with some tips on business planning. Most important: what do you want? Until you can clarify what it is that you want out of your business, other people’s plans will take over yours. Once you know what you want, then you can take action on it. Ellen recommends that you write down 101 goals. If you only focus on a few things, there may be a let down once they are accomplished; by setting numerous goals, there will always be something to work for. Vision Boards can be useful tools for some people. Cut out pictures of things that inspire you. Ellen suggests that you get a notebook and write things down. Don’t try to keep everything in your head. For tech-minded folks, there are apps like Trello and Evernote that can assist with productivity and organization. As a gift to the club, Ellen will provide our members with a free copy of her Weekend Biz Plan book. Just visit\MarshfieldRotary and enter your e-mail to download a copy.
Final Thoughts
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin
Yours in Rotary Service,
Kristin Grace Krebs