Meeting Recap, 9/6/2016
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Happy Tuesday, Rotarians.
Need to Know:
- ***Don’t forget that next Tuesday our regular meeting will be at Smokey J’s instead of Sheila’s. ****Our District Governor will be attendance, so your attendance will be appreciated.
- Speaking of next week’s meeting, Leslie Thomas will be accepting donations of notebooks, pens, unsharpened pencils and flip-flops next week for the Niangua Interact Club’s project to support Rainbow Network. So if your business has a bunch of promotional pens and pencils you can’t get rid of, this is the time to do it.
- Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Ice Cream Social at Webco Custom Industries. Particular thanks to Brian Drane and his committee for organizing the event. This was one of my all-time favorite 5th Tuesday events. Great job, everybody!
- The board meeting will be held at noon this Thursday, September 8th at Southern Missouri Bank. All members are welcome.
- If you drive by Rotary Park, you will notice construction has begun on the “pour in place” project around several pieces of playground equipment. Our club donated $10,100.00 to help the City obtain a grant for this project. Thanks to Don Stockton for the update.
- If you are looking for something to do over the next few weeks, you have lots of options. Here are a few of the local events going on over the next month: Seymour Apple Festival is this weekend; Harvest Days in Marshfield will be on September 16-17; the Starvy Creek Bluegrass Festival in Conway will be on September 15-17; the Marshfield Senior Center’s fish fry will be on the 17th; Lion’s Club truck and tractor pull will be on September 23-24; On October 8th at 6:00 pm, the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce will have its annual awards dinner. For tickets, go the Chamber’s website, or contact Sara Herren. Thanks to Sara and Stan Whitehurst for the info on all these events.
- A group from Marshfield, the Marshfield Cyclones, will be participating in the MS 150-bike ride. If you are interested in donating to support their cause, please contact Amy Wilkerson for the group leader’s contact information.
- Our Rotary District 6080 conference will be at the Hilton Convention Center in Branson on October 21-23.
Meeting Recap
We “sang” to honor those present with September birthdays: Tom Houston and Danny O’Neal.
Leslie Thomas provided an update on retired Rotarian Gary Griffin. He is doing some volunteer work for the Rainbow Network and will be going to Nicaragua on a mission trip this fall.
Our speaker this week was Linda Blazer from the Marshfield Cruisers. The Marshfield Cruisers is a group of local car enthusiasts. There is no formal membership or dues for the group – just a love of cars. The group’s events are supported by donations. Beginning at 5:00 PM every second Saturday from April through October, car lovers gather their classic cars at Young’s Shopping Center to show them off. It is not a “car show” with entry fees and judging – it is just an opportunity for folks to show off their cars. There are no qualifications on what constitutes a “classic car” and it does not have to be finished. The events average between 60-80 cars, and attract car lovers from surrounding counties. These are no-alcohol, family-friendly events. At each event there drawings for cash and prizes received through business sponsors. The next event will be this Saturday at 5:00 PM.
Final Thoughts
I couldn’t find a quote this week that I liked but here is a song about a classic car:
We lost another brilliant person recently. It was hard to decide which Gene Wilder clip to post but it was certainly fun checking a bunch out before picking one.
Marshfield Rotary Club: Raising the bar through leadership, giving and education.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Kristin Grace Krebs