Meeting Recap, Tuesday 5/12/2015

Posted By admin

Happy Friday, Rotarians.

Sorry for the late newsletter. Thank you to Amy Wilkerson for running the meeting last week while I was in Florida.

Need to Know:

  1. Our Installation Banquet will be held on Tuesday, June 9th from 6-9 PM at Donnie Crawford’s place (directions/map will be forthcoming). This will be a fun, family-friendly BBQ with fishing and outdoor games and I hope that all members and their families can attend. There is no admission/attendance fee, although I will be passing around a sign up sheet in the next couple of weeks for volunteers to bring side/dessert items. The meat, potatoes and beans will be provided. We need a headcount on attendance by the end of the month, so if you will not be at either of the next two meetings to sign up, please call or email me and let me know if you and your family will be attending. Big thanks to Adam Blanch for organizing this event.

***Adam mentioned that Mr. Crawford has been generous to host events on his property for other organizations in the past and has often been put on the spot with attendees asking him for permission to come back later and fish. Please do not do this. Mr. Crawford is generously allowing us to use his property and is fixing the meat, so we do not want to make him uncomfortable.***

  1. Our next board meeting is on Thursday, June 25th at noon at DD Hamilton. All are welcome.
  2. Our programs for the rest of the month are still TBD. The New Generations and Don’t Meth With Us Committees are working on speakers for the next two weeks.
  3. Our Niangua Interact Club needs hangers for its Clothes Pantry. So if you have any extra hangers you can part with, please bring them to one of our weekly meetings or make other arrangements with Leslie Thomas.
  4. Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: our 3rd Annual Romance Raffle will be held on Saturday, February 13, 2016.

Meeting Recap

Our speaker on Tuesday was Pat Tierney. Ms. Tierney is former teacher turned author who writes under the pen name of Tierney James. Ms. Tierney has published several children’s books, a political/action suspense series and has a new novel out which is set in a Missouri mining community entitled The Rescued Heart. Ms. Tierney also has a book inspired by the attack on the USS Liberty, which will come out later this year. Ms. Tierney is a member of several local writing guilds. She spends at least five hours everyday writing. Her books are available on Amazon and at Barnes& Thanks to Leslie Thomas for scheduling our speaker this week.

Final Thoughts

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”

Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Yours in Rotary Service,

Kristin Grace Krebs

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