Board Minutes, 6/30/2015
Posted By admin
Rotary Board Meeting
June 30, 2015
Members Present: Kristin Krebs, Scott Jones, Don Stockton, Jason McKnight, Amy Wilkerson, Adam Blanch and Jenny Gardner.
No minutes from last month were reviewed as Kristin Krebs failed to record minutes for last month.
Jenny Gardner presented the Treasurer’s Report. Jenny has emailed several members about late dues. Marlena Clopton and Judy Gault have been removed from membership rolls at their request but Judy still owes $10.00 per month from her last month paid through when she requested termination. Jenny will contact Judy regarding said dues.
Kristin reported that Dr. Mayo had requested a leave of absence. The board approved his request. Kristin will e-mail him at the new e-mail address he provided to inform him that his LOA has been approved. As he is going on LOA, the board agreed that he is ineligible to serve as Vice President. Scott will try to recruit someone else for that position.
Kristin noted that multiple people were on lengthy LOA. Kristin will contact Kara Johnson about when she would be ready to come off LOA. Amy Wilkerson will contact Debbie Wiese. Don Stockton will contact Gary Griffin or will approach Leslie Thomas to contact Gary.
Kristin informed the board that Leslie Thomas had prompted her for the club’s donation to Boy Scouts if said donation had not already been made this year. Per Jenny, no donation has been made this Rotary calendar year. Although $750.00 had been budgeted this year based on last year’s donation, after discussion Don moved that the club donate $250.00 this year. Adam seconded. Motion carried.
Jenny said that we had $800.00 budgeted for Polio Plus every year for several years, but no donation is ever made. After discussion, Don moved to match current individual members’ donations this year to Polio Plus in the amount of $100.00. Scott Jones seconded. Motion carried.
Kristin noted that the board had agreed in principal to make a donation to Donnie Crawford’s Haiti relief foundation in gratitude for hosting our Installation Banquet. Don moved that the club make a $300.00 donation to Mr. Crawford’s charity. Adam seconded. Motion carried.
Kristin noted that Don had forwarded an e-mail regarding a grant application available from the Marshfield Community Foundation. Kristin noted that the application requires 501C(3) tax status, which the club does not possess, meaning that the club is ineligible to apply for that particular grant. Amy would like to make a separate “Don’t With with Us” 501C(3). Don suggested making a separate Marshfield Rotary 501C(3) so use of funds are not limited to the Don’t Meth with Us project only. Kristin noted that out of the many Rotary Clubs in Missouri, only a very small handful had 501C(3) status, and those few were identified as “supporting organizations” not public charities. There are approximate 10-15 separate club foundations with 501C(3) status. Kristin suggested that the club inquire with the district about issues with seeking 501C(3) status, in light of how few clubs have said status. Issue tabled for a future meeting,
Scott reported that he had been in contact with Rotary regarding the scheduling of a club-visioning project. The cost would be $45.00 plus we would have to provide food. The event would be a weeknight from 5-9PM. At least 10 members would need to be present. Per Scott, the project would require the participation of the board members. All board members present agreed in principle to attend, provided that the event was scheduled at a time permissible by each individual board member’s schedule. Scott will recruit additional club members to attend.
The next board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at noon at DD Hamilton on West Washington.
Respectfully submitted by Kristin Krebs, Club President