Meeting Recap, 2/16/2016
Posted By Scott Jones
Happy Tuesday, Rotarians.
Need to Know:
- We had a terrific Romance Raffle on Friday. We don’t have a final total for funds raised this year yet, but things are looking good. Thank you to everyone who helped by buying tickets, selling tickets, soliciting sponsors, setting up, cleaning up and/or working the event. Special thanks from me: I lit the “Bat Signal” requesting someone to help me at the cashier’s table for all of Friday evening, and Danny O’Neal answered the call. Thanks, Danny!
You all really came through with soliciting sponsors this year. We received donated auction items and cash donations valued at over $12,500.00 this year, which is about $3,000.00 more than was donated last year. So thank you to everyone who sponsored the event, and if you solicited sponsors for the event, please be sure to thank them for their support.
Holy Trinity graciously allowed us to use its building on a Friday that the church would normally be having a Lenten fish fry. So we encourage members to support their upcoming Friday dinners during Lent. If you know members of Holy Trinity, please extend the club’s gratitude for use of the church’s facilities.
- Upcoming speakers: Mike Frazier from Webco Custom Industries is tentatively scheduled for next week, and TJ Slocum will be soliciting donations for the Ronald McDonald House; Kelly Coffey from the Boy Scouts will be speaking to us on March 8th. Dee Rose will be with us on March 22nd to speak about the Shared Work Plan. Contact Scott Jones if you can line up a speaker for other weeks.
- Our next board meeting will be Wednesday, March 9th at noon. It will be held at Southern Missouri Bank. All members are welcome.
- We will be having two new fundraisers this Spring/Summer and we are looking for people to help organize them. We will be doing Marshfield’s first “Color Run” as a joint project with Marshfield Schools. It is tentatively scheduled for May 21, 2016. Adam Blanch is heading up this fundraiser committee. We will also be doing an ATV raffle this summer. Debbie Wiese is heading this fundraiser committee. Naturally we will all need to get involved later in selling tickets, working events, etc; but Adam and Debbie need help in planning these projects, so please contact them to get involved.
- Fordland’s DARE graduation is on Thursday, March 3rd at 9:00 AM. If you can help with Don’t Meth With Us t-shirt presentations at that time, please contact Amy Wilkerson.
- Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: the Marshfield Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016, with a rain date of March 19th.
- Niangua Interact Club will be sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for Niangua kids on Friday, March 18th at 1:00 PM at Niangua Schools. It would be nice to see several Rotarians there to support our Interactors.
Meeting Recap
In addition to our speaker, Peter Lai, our guests today were Assistant District Governor Rowland Geddie and Darren Garrison from Simmons Bank.
We serenaded Gary Griffin for his birthday.
We will be inducting two new members next week: Michael Kellerman from Southern Missouri Bank and David Stewart from Marshfield Public Schools.
We have beautiful new club brochures. Thank you to Karen Stevens for your hard work in creating the brochures and having them printed.
Our speaker today was Peter Lai of the Missouri RYLA board and member of the Springfield Metro Rotary Club. RYLA stands for Rotary Youth Leadership Award. It is a 4-day leadership academy for service-minding students entering or exiting their sophomore year. Missouri has the only multi-district RYLA in the world. It is held at William Woods University and up to 150 students may attend. Rotary Clubs had been limited to one or two students per club, but those limitations have now been lifted. The sponsoring club pays each attending student’s $450.00 tuition for the academy so the student’s family is only responsible for transportation to and from William Woods. Students stay in dorms and are supervised by adults who have received background checks. Our club is sponsoring Jim Mayes’ grandson, Nathaniel Finch, this year. Nathaniel is a Marshfield resident and student at Springfield Catholic. He has helped us at several of our park work days. We have sufficient funds budgeted to send another student this year. If a member is aware of a service minded freshman or sophomore in the area with leadership potential, please contact New Generations chair Leslie Thomas as soon as possible. The deadline for this year’s RYLA academy is next month. For more information, check out
Final Thoughts
“A leader is best when people barely know that he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him. Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you. But of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aims fulfilled, they will all say, “We did this ourselves.”
Lao Tzu (604 BC-531 BC)
Marshfield Rotary Club: Raising the bar through leadership, giving and education.
Yours in Rotary Service,
Kristin Grace Krebs