Meeting Recap, 2/23/2016

Posted By Scott Jones

Happy Tuesday, Rotarians.

Need to Know:

  1. We don’t have a final amount raised for our Romance Raffle yet, but things look very good – possibly our best one yet. We’ll keep you posted when we have the final numbers.
  2. Upcoming speakers: We currently have no scheduled speaker for next week; Kelly Coffey from the Boy Scouts will be speaking to us on March 8th. Dee Rose will be with us on March 22nd to speak about the Shared Work Plan. March 29th is a fifth Tuesday, so there will be no regular meeting on that date. Contact Scott Jones if you can line up a speaker for other weeks.
  3. Our next board meeting will be Wednesday, March 9th at noon. It will be held at Southern Missouri Bank. All members are welcome.
  4. March has five Tuesdays so we will be having a Fifth Tuesday Social Event on March 29th. Details still TBD, but it will likely be at the 1984 Arcade. Everyone who came to our social there last year knows what a fun place it is.
  5. We will be having two new fundraisers this Spring/Summer and we are looking for people to help organize them. We will be doing Marshfield’s first “Color Run” as a joint project with Marshfield Schools. It is tentatively scheduled for May 21, 2016. Adam Blanch is heading up this fundraiser committee. We will also be doing an ATV raffle this summer. Debbie Wiese is heading this fundraiser committee. Naturally we will all need to get involved later in selling tickets, working events, etc; but Adam and Debbie need help in planning these projects, so please contact them to get involved.
  6. Fordland’s DARE graduation is on Thursday, March 3rd at 9:00 AM. If you can help with Don’t Meth With Us t-shirt presentations at that time, please contact Amy Wilkerson.
  7. Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: the Marshfield Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016, with a rain date of March 19th.
  8. Niangua Interact Club will be sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for Niangua kids on Friday, March 18th at 1:00 PM at Niangua Schools. It would be nice to see several Rotarians there to support our Interactors.
  9. There will be a Community Health Care Day in Marshfield on May 7th. The Don’t Meth With Us Committee will have a booth at the event and will welcome any volunteers.

Meeting Recap

In addition to our speaker, Mike Frazier, our guests today were Darren Garrison from Simmons Bank and Randy & T.J. Slocum.

We inducted two new members this week: Michael Kellerman from Southern Missouri Bank and David Stewart from Marshfield Public Schools. Amy Wilkerson proposed and sponsored both new members. Welcome, Michael and David. Thanks, Amy!

Scott Jones reported that the club has received $840.00 so far in Polio Plus funds in memory of Dr. Bob Bareis.

Randy and T.J. Slocum spoke briefly about their fundraising efforts for the Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald Houses provide low cost lodging for families of children receiving medical treatment. Springfield has two – one at Mercy and another near Cox Hospital. T.J. raised $11,000.00 last year and has raised almost $12,000.00 this year. Donations to Ronald McDonald House can be made to T.J. or at any McDonalds restaurant.

Our speaker today was Mike Frazier, general manager of Webco Custom Industries. Webco is one of 89 shelter workshops in Missouri, and has been in operation for 39 years. It currently employs 86 individuals with some sort of disability, and there are at least 35 individuals on a waiting list for employment. Webco has a support staff of 9, with 4 bus drivers who provide transportation for 65 employees at no cost to the employee. Webco provides services that include: labeling, repackaging, building shipping crates/cartons, sewing, and other assembly jobs. It maintains a recycling center that recycles over 60 tons of materials per month. Webco also does document destruction. If you have a potential job, or would like a tour of the facilities, please contact Mike.

Final Thoughts

Since polio eradication is one of Rotary’s main missions, and was a particular passion of Dr. Bob’s, we should take a moment today to acknowledge the anniversary of one of the milestones in the fight against polio. On February 23, 1954, Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, first began widespread trials of his new vaccine by inoculating children at Arsenal Elementary School in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Over the next year, nearly two million children would be vaccinated during the trials. In 1955, success of the trials would be announced, and the vaccine would officially be licensed. By 1961, new polio cases in the United States had dropped by nearly 96%. The world owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Dr. Salk (and Dr. Albert Sabin, who would later create a live-virus polio vaccine) and the “Polio Pioneers” who participated in the experimental trials. For more info, check out;;

Marshfield Rotary Club: Raising the bar through leadership, giving and education.

Yours in Rotary Service,

Kristin Grace Krebs

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