Meeting Recap, 7/7/2015

Posted By admin

Happy Thursday, Rotarians.

You only thought you had received the last of these emails. I thought I had sent the last, too. However at our committee meetings on Tuesday, the Public Relations Committee decided that I would continue with the newsletters. Weirdly, I am not on that committee so I am not sure how that happened, but here we all are.

Caveat: As of last week, I am no longer the cat wrangler for this rodeo. I know it is very easy to just hit “reply” but if you are looking for the current club president instead of this lowly peon, contact Scott Jones at If you actually do want to contact me, reply away!

Need to Know:

  1. Our next board meeting will be at noon on Wednesday, July 15th at DD Hamilton.
  2. It’s almost that time again for the Webster County Fair (if it’s not flooded out). We are working the kitchen again this year on Friday, July 17th and we need volunteers. The sign-up sheet will be available at Tuesday’s meeting or you can sign up online anytime at If you haven’t checked out our website recently, please do so. Scott put a lot of work into building a new site for us.
  3. Go ahead and put this on your calendar now: our 3rd Annual Romance Raffle will be held on Saturday, February 13, 2016.

Meeting Recap

It’s a new Rotary year and Tuesday was Scott’s first meeting as our president. We watched a short video about the new Rotary International president, K.R. Ravindran. The RI presidential theme this year is “Be a Gift to the World”.

We did not have a speaker but broke into committees to discuss committee goals this year. Some of the plans mentioned: Heritage Trailways Committee plans on ordering several new monuments, and will be scheduling a park workday in the fall to help with installation. Club Administration will work on maintaining our website. Public Relations would like to see more of a club presence in the Marshfield Mail.

I took part in the Membership committee meeting. Our committee would like to attract new members, but as our focus this year we would like to strengthen the relationships with existing members. How can we increase attendance and participation? What can the club do to make you more excited to be a part of Rotary? If you have ideas about interesting activities/projects or about speaker topics that will interest our members and make everyone want to bring guests, please let Scott know.

Final Thoughts

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.”

Kahlil Gilbran (1883-1931)


In honor of Independence Day:

About my continuing the Rotary Recaps:

Yours in Rotary Service,

Kristin Grace Krebs

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